
Tuesday, June 01, 2004

To work or not to work

These days I have been doing nothing but writing testimonials on Orkut, since there is absolutely no work at PS-station. Gone are the days when I used to feel guilty and think I didnot deserve the stipend I got. I'm now quite used to the idea of my office paying me for using their telephone and internet facilities.
One good thing about all this is I am able to read a lot these days. The last book I read was 'Losing my Virginity', for the ignorant, this is the autobiography of Richard Branson, n I must say this is the most captivating autobiography I ve read in a long time now. Makes me wonder if I am doing the right thing after all. Probably I should have carried on with the plans we had for after-college instead of doing what I am doing right now, but well, tht's besides the point.