
Tuesday, July 20, 2004

A long long time ago

I see him walking towards me, I can see his smile widen as he realizes its really me he's looking at. I am reminded of the many times I have spent with him, how long it has been!
As he comes closer to me, he stops at a distance. We stand apart looking at each other for a while, regarding the other person with some apprehension, has time taken its toll on him? Has he changed a lot! Does he even remember what I meant to him then? Does he feel the same way about me?

Million doubts crop up in my head! I panic. I should not have come, it was a really bad idea! I want to go back in time n undo this. But in a flash, all my doubts melt away in a loving hug!

Oh, he remembers n he feels the same, still.

He holds my hand n gives it a tug indicating we must go some place else. I revel in the familiar feeling of his hand in mine. Not a word has been exchanged yet!

I want to ask him a million questions, answer another million, but I dont want words to amalgamate the moment. I love it as it is, I am really glad I came back, to see him.

We go to a nearby only-too-familiar park with benches in it. He finds a vacant one, sits on it first indicating me to sit next to him.

I do it wordlessly.
We sit there holding hands, looking at the lawn ahead.

I can hear children playing in the swings behind us. I am reminded of us playing on those very swings! I am reminded of the fights we used to have because I was too scared of the slide which was really steep. My mind reels back to when we used to get back here after school eating icecreams, trying to catch butterflies. The walk home used to be my favorite time with him. We'd play with pebbles as we walked back, stop by to look at boys playing cricket in the street. When we reached home, he'd take me to the li'l garden he'd ve made all by himself n offer me the best flower there. His mom would get me something to eat which I would accept, too polite to refuse.

Suddenly I am taken back to the present with the sound of his voice saying "didi, aap itne din kahan thi?" Its been an year since I last saw him! I begin explaining in simple terms so his ten year old brain understands what I say. 

Scientific Progress goes BOINK!

I know I haven't posted for a while, here's why!

I log on to blogger yesterday with a brilliant idea for a blog! I type the url n 'the wait' starts where I wait for my computer to do its tedious job of getting the website. I get a response sooner than usual (yeah!) n I see the firewall is up n about again n this time it doesnot let me access blogger too :(

I had a blissful one week without the firewall when I could access all the websites I wanted to without any issues watsoever! Fond memories of reading the news on my comp return (yes, the firewall blocks news sites also!). That was luxury! Now wat ll I do when I am really saturated with wat I am supposed to be doing :( This is unfair!
Super human who fights for his rights against the evil conniving giant gives him a slip, Super human glad that he has outsmarted the giant lets his caution down. But the giant is making his plans, superhuman doesnot know of that yet! Then slowly n cautiously the giant takes the superhuman by surprise n gets his plans in action. Super human is trapped from all sides, doesnot know wat to do! How could he let a moment's victory blind him! He thinks of a plan....
Digression eh? Not really! Was reminded of Calvin :) :D I am sure he'd love to get into a situation like this n let his imagination run wild! For those who are not Calvin&Hobbes freaks n those who are but haven't read this one, I strongly recommend 'Scientific progress goes BOINK!!' Its hilarious!

OK this was a real digression, agreed! Getting back to the topic :),
I dont understand why we have a firewall at all. Probably there is some real convincing reason why we should have a firewall. I try hard to look for data on the effect of firewall on the work output in corporates, But every time the search engine returns an article that even remotely relates to what I am looking for, I cant access the page, the ever-so-damned firewall again!

But now as I got terribly bugged with what I was doing, I thought might as well try n see if this one works n viola! It does!!! Firewall's disappeared. Shall research on the effect of Firewall on the work output now ;)

Thursday, July 15, 2004

Hearing Voices!!

Now I have moved to a cubicle n once again its not as exciting as i thought it would be. I kinda miss the crowd in the trainee area. There was a knowledge that there were people around. A lot of faces unlike voices here because I dont know what the ppl around me look like. Out here its just me n my computer n the voice next cube who keeps cribbin about his boss to the voice next to him, the voice diagonally opp, who loves chattin over the phone.

Not like its not fun hearing voices n visualizing what the faces might be like, but it gets boring after a while, bcoz if i really do want to see the faces, all i have to do is stand up n look! Its jus that by the sound of the cribber, i dislike him immensely! But I must give him the benefit of doubt because I dont think i loved the boss too much either. The phone voice, i dont have an opinion about yet though

And of course my computer with which i have a love-hate relationship. This computer could put the slowest animal to shame by merely opening a window. And yet, when it came to me giving up this computer for a better new 'black' one, i could not get myself to do it. I was reminded of the million times I have used it for mails, blogging, taking up tests-quizzes and the many note-pad-snippets i wrote to do-something that i have in here.
Well watever the reason be, it looks like this computer is there to stay!

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Mail gmail!

Ever since google has started giving out invites for its beta-version of gmail, a wave of gmail-mania has swept over the place. People are making money off selling them and are trading them for everything conceivable.

Dont believe me, read on. Here's what Business world says,

Sean, a Canadian, has started a website, www.gmail-swap.com, which lets people without Google invites offer money, love or prayers in return for a mail invite. People have been offering boat rides in Venetian canals, a note slipped through the Holy Wall in Jerusalem, an original piano composition, a chance to work on a genome project - all for the Google invite. Some have taken the capitalist ground, listing the invite on eBay. The bids have ranged between $34.99 and $60.

Wonder why this mad craze for a gmail account. If you say memory space, i disagree, i have never even crossed my 4MB limit in Yahoo!(100MB now, n its anyone's guess why!), what would i do with 1GB of space? The excellent search facilities could be it, but isn't google good enough?! Any thing you can think of??!

Monday, July 12, 2004


Well after a lot of studying(?) for interviews and a zillion butterflies all over the place, i am employed!
Whoehooo.. it is a relief, tht's wat it is(W&G). i hope its fun too!
Only, i wonder(as always) why there was so much hype and uncertainty about the job in the first place.

This happens everytime i really want something i really really like n will do anything to get it n i dont know if i'll get it or not n i am oh-my-god-so-tensed about it. Once it is mine, it loses all the charm it seemed to hold when i didn't have it, n i am left wondering why it was that i went for it in the first place.
Why cant i decide early enough!

It would atleast save me the trouble of worrying my li'l(?) head about how i am going to go about it n whether i'll get it at all or not, n my friends can definitely do without the incessant cribbing that happens everytime i am up to something huge.

Now that i am employed, i shall be dignified and professional in everything i do. I will not jump about for no reason, i will not giggle in the corridors, i will think twice about what i wear to the work place, i will make sure i talk softly, i will not exploit the work telephone line, i will not live for the weekends,i will come to office every morning and stay at my desk till the evening working really hard, pretending to work when i am not, i will not have hundred coffee breaks a day, i will not have three-hour-lunch-breaks, i will not OH-MY-GOD! THIS LIFE SUCKS!! How am I goin to survive this.
To hell with everything and everyone! I am going to do exactly wat i feel like doing just the way i feel like doing it! After all, isn't that wat i always do.