
Monday, August 09, 2004

The life of a software engineer

I am sitting here in my cubicle (btw, I've moved from my earlier one to another one.), wondering if I'll become a software engineer, terribly scared of the prospect. Become a software engg?? Why? Aren't you one already???

Wat I am talkin about is BECOMIN a real software engg. I am sure you dont understand, lemme tell you something tht throws more light on this.

Aeons ago, when I was all hardworkin ;) jus into the software industry as an intern (doesn't that remind you of Fred n George in HP3 when they give the mauderer's map to harry?), one day I had to stay back till 10 because I had work to do (OK, I accept! I was chatting!). We have cabs dropping the hard working, free dinner hogging lot home, so I went to the cab which was supposed to take me home. The visions I had of a private Cab to myself were shattered as I saw about 7-9 ppl tryin to jam themselves into the cab I was supposed to take. Anyways, I found myself a place behind the driver's seat! In front of me was a girl who seemed not the least bit tired(yeah! work's not tiring.), talking over the phone to a boy who I thought was most likely to be her boy friend. Also from the content of the talk (OK, I know I was not supposed to listen, but I was terribly bored n there was no way I could block the voice AND it sounded very interesting ;) ), it seemed like he was a software engg too.

You never call! Its always me who calls you! Why cant you also call once in a while?
The usual! Wonder how long it has been since she met him!
I wish you had left a li'l late today,
Wat??! she saw him TODAY n she wanted him to CALL!!! Girls!! Seriously.
I would have shown you something really cute. It had all of us laughing like nobody's business.... No, I wont tell you now, you have to see it.... Its jus a day's wait..... It was so cute...
Wat's it? Wat's it? This sounds really interesting!!!!
Ok fine, I'll tell you now,(Yeah!!) as we were debugging, there was this really cute exception handling that cropped up!

AAaaaaaaaaaarrrgggghhhhhhhh!!! EXCEPTION HANDLING!! CUTE!!!!!???? Is this a software engineer's idea of cute???? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I cant survive this industry!!!!!
Get the picture!?! This is the sort of thing I am talking about n I must say the vision of me talkin over the phone to an engg geek, telling him how cute an exception handling was or how hot an operating system was makes me go mad!!!! I hope I dont live to see myself do it!

P.S. That I never stayed late in office after that need not be mentioned ;)

P.P.S. Namratha, thanx for the vote of confidence, Btw tht brings the total of my readers to three. Yeah!!

update:: I wrote this long time back, Since then I have been not been able to help finding similar symptoms (the cute exception handling bit) in myself too. I guess its jus one of those software world ways you cant escape, or probably this is the only way you liven up your life here.