Sunshine in your eyes, can make you cry!
I know this is a very late but I came across this only recently thanx to me always reading the previous days' newspaper. I haven't gotten around to subscribing newspaper at the house I recently moved into n hence newspaper reading happens in the work place library. The newspapers here are always occupied, ppl actually queue up waiting for the newspapers,(wonder if the BITSian reservation system would work here :) I could reserve mine when I come in in the morning) n so I always end up reading the previous day's newspaper. This added to the fact tht news paper reports the previous day's news means I always get news two days late.
That done, getting back to the article! There has been a lot of talk about McNealy's questionable management with Sun's quarter results showing reduced profits n revenues. I for one stand with McNealy n say that innovation n research will definitely pay off, Their 8- and 16-way multithreaded chips in line that promise to bridge the memory time n CPU time gap are definitely promising.
But this is not supposed to be about Mc Nealy. Wat caught my attention was that Sun was planning to promote its brand by pasting java stickers on all brands tht use a sun technology or are sun technology compatible. Slashdot has a discussion on on this here. I feel that creating brand awareness and getting people to identify your brand with quality goes a long way in sales promotion. Isn't that wat intel has done?!
But why this late? This is a well proven n widely adapted strategy. Why hasn't Sun adopted this before? N the timing couldn't have been better, immediately after the quarter results are out. Is this because the quarter results are not so great n that Sun is desperate to pull any marketing gimmick to get itself a sales boost?By the look of it, it seems Sun avoided this kind of a strategy earlier focusing on research and innovation and letting the product speak for itself.Has sun lost confidence in its innovations? Or has it given up on its strategies? could it be that McNealy has finally given in his board n has accepted to go down the marketing way!
Disclaimer 1: Eeks, I feel like Rita Skeeter (You have to know who she is! If you dont, please please read the Harry Potter-4 or 5, dont remember if she is in 3)! Also you'll completely disregard my musings on the matter! Wat a waste of a blog huh?!
Disclaimer 2: I am strongly in favour of this marketing strategy in general for any product. I feel the more the popularity, the better it is for sales.
Disclaimer 3: I am all for McNealy's innovation centric management. he has proven critics wrong earlier (when Sun was pumping in all its resources to develop Solaris), ll most probably do so this time also.
Update: And thanx to 'TFL'(which is how I shall refer to the firewall from now on.), this is as late as it could have been. Might as well have not posted it at all, but well.